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Home Blessings & Entity Clearings

Create a Sanctuary of Peace & Harmony 🌟

Here are signs that you need a home blessing and entity clearing:​

🏡💫 Selling your home – Clearing the space of old energies can create a fresh, inviting atmosphere for potential buyers, making your home more attractive and easier to sell.

🏚️Moving into a new home – To clear any lingering energies from previous occupants and create a fresh, harmonious start in your new space.

🖤After major life changes – Following events like marriage, divorce, or loss of loved one or pet, clearing the home’s energy helps reset the environment and bring in new, supportive vibrations.

🌪️☠️History of conflict or trauma in the space – If previous tenants or homeowners experienced significant life events like conflict, illness, or trauma, or death a blessing can help release lingering energies and restore balance.

🕸️ Heavy or stagnant energy – Your home feels dense or heavy, and there’s a noticeable lack of lightness or peace in the atmosphere.

👁️Unexplained fear or anxiety – You or others in the house feel unusually anxious, uneasy, or on edge without a clear reason.

☠️ Shadow figures – Seeing dark, human-like shapes or shadowy figures in your peripheral vision, often leaving you feeling unsettled.

😱Disturbed sleep or nightmares – Frequent nightmares, waking up feeling drained, or a sudden inability to rest comfortably in your home.

👻Feelings of being watched – A sense that you're being observed or not alone, even when no one else is physically present.

🔁 Negative or repetitive patterns – You notice frequent arguments, bad luck, or recurring negative events happening in your home.

🪓Unexplained noises or disturbances – Hearing footsteps, knocks, or other unexplained noises without a source.

🧊Sudden temperature changes – Feeling cold spots or drafts in certain areas of the home despite no environmental reasons.

🌿Difficulty growing plants or maintaining a garden – This could be a sign of energetic imbalances in the land or space, requiring a blessing to restore vitality and flow.

😷Frequent illness or low energy – Persistent feelings of fatigue or recurring sickness in the household may indicate a need for energy cleansing.

🚫💰Financial or emotional blockages – Difficulty attracting abundance or constant financial/emotional challenges could be related to blocked energy in the home.

It’s time to clear, reset, and bless your home with intentional, powerful energy.

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A Guide For Home Blessing

How to clear your home:

Start by opening your doors and windows, clear your clutter spots and play healing frequency music.


1. Set an Intention for the Blessing:

  • We'll write down and reflect on what you would like to achieve from the Home Blessing. Are you seeking peace, protection, or a fresh start?

  • We will set a clear intention for what you want to bring into the space, as this will guide the energy during the clearing.


2. Activating the Energy Grid of the Land with Crystals:

  • We activate with the natural energy of the land, using crystals to enhance and protect the space.

  • We call upon the elemental forces, trees, nature spirits of the earth to guide and protect your sacred home space.

3. Wake Up the Spirit of Your Home

  • Waking up the spirit of your home involves acknowledging its presence, creating a positive relationship with it, inviting harmony, health, abundance, protection, and peace into the space.

  • We will purify your home’s energy using a sacred blend of sage, palo santo, and rosemary to cleanse and uplift the space.

  • Through the resonant tones of sound healing with singing bowls, we will activate deep harmony, bringing balance and positive vibrations into every corner of your home.


4. Create a Sacred Space or Altar:

  • If it resonates with you, consider creating a small sacred space or altar in your home where the blessing can begin or end. This space could include candles, crystals, meaningful objects, or anything that holds spiritual significance for you.

  • It helps set the tone for the ritual and focuses the energy.


5. Invite Your Team In Spirit

  • We will Invite your divine team of spirit guides, archangels, and higher beings of light to surround you.

  • Please share the names of your personal angels, goddesses, or spiritual guides so we can anchor their energy within your home, activating their divine protection, guidance, and blessings in the space.

6. Ground, Clear, Cleanse and Protect:

  • We will purify your home’s energy, release stagnant or negative influences, anchor the space deeply into the earth’s grounding energy, and surround your home with divine protection, creating a sanctuary of peace and balance

  • We will seal any vortexes, close energetic holes, repair tears, realign grids, and clear out old, outdated energies and entities to restore harmony and balance.


7. Share a Celebration Meal:

  • If you plan to celebrate with food afterward, prepare any dishes or snacks beforehand, so they are ready to enjoy after the blessing. This can be a meaningful way to ground the energy and mark the occasion.


As you conclude the house blessing, your space will be fully cleansed, energetically grounded, and protected. We will have sealed any energetic tears or vortexes, removed stagnant and outdated energies, and anchored your home in divine light and harmony.


Your home will be transformed into a sacred sanctuary, supporting your well-being, peace, and protection moving forward.

Book Your House Blessing and Entity Clearing now!

Limited time deal $197
Until 12/31/24
(regular price $297)


Cleansing, Clearing, and Protecting

💫 What I Offer:

  • Grounding: Establish a deep connection between your home and the stabilizing energy of the Earth.

  • Clearing: Remove any stagnant or negative energies to refresh and uplift the space.

  • Cleansing: Purify the atmosphere, creating an energetically clean and vibrant environment.

  • Protection: Surround your home with powerful energetic shields for lasting safety and peace.


  • Blessing: For new beginnings and abundance.

  • Sealing Energetic Openings: Close any vortexes, portals, or energetic tears that may disrupt harmony.

  • Entity Removal: Release any unwanted entities, restoring balance and tranquility.

  • Divine Invocation: Call upon divine beings for their protection, guidance, and blessings.

  • Restoration of Harmony: Return your home to a state of peace, balance, and alignment.


  • Tailored to Your Space: A unique, customized approach designed to honor the specific energy and needs of each home.​​


Through intention, sound, crystal placements, and personalized blessings, we create a sanctuary of peace and positive energy, ensuring that your home becomes a sacred space filled with light, balance, and spiritual alignment.

Create a space that supports your well-being and empowers your energy.

Book Your House Blessing and Entity Clearing now!

Limited time deal $197
Until 12/31/24
(regular price $297)


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1. How do I know if I need a Home Blessing?

You might need a Home Blessing if you're experiencing dark or low-vibrational energy in your space, or if the atmosphere feels dense and sluggish.


Common signs include:

  • A sense of unease or feeling like you're being watched.

  • Sightings or feelings of entities or spirits.

  • Unexplained disturbances such as objects moving, odd noises, or temperature changes.

  • Feeling emotionally drained or unusually anxious when spending time at home.

  • A history of conflict or trauma in the space (e.g., previous tenants or homeowners experiencing significant life events).

2. How do I know if I need a land blessing?


A land blessing may be needed if the energy of the land feels off, stagnant, or heavy, or if there have been negative experiences or history tied to the property.


Here are some signs to consider:

  • Unexplained discomfort or unease when spending time on the land, such as in your yard or garden.

  • Difficulty growing plants or a lack of vibrancy in the natural elements, even when they should thrive.

  • History of trauma or conflict on the land, such as battles, disputes, or tragedy (e.g., accidents, illness, or emotional turmoil).

  • Frequent natural disturbances like persistent storms, erosion, or flooding, which may indicate a deeper energetic imbalance.

  • Feelings of stagnation or blockages when trying to make changes or develop on the property.

  • Past ownership or usage that involved low-vibration activities, such as unresolved conflict, abandonment, or misuse of the land.

A land blessing can bring renewal, harmony, and protection, aligning the energy of the land with your intentions and well-being. It can also help foster a deeper connection to the space, allowing it to support your personal energy and growth.

3. What types of energies or entities can be removed?


I can remove a wide range of unwanted energies or entities including:

  • Earthbound Spirits

  • Negative thought forms.

  • Low-vibrational or malicious entities.

  • Residual energy from previous entities.

  • Energy imprints from traumatic events.

  • Stagnant or blocked energy within the home.

No worries, all forms of negative energy or entities can be addressed and cleared.

4. Will this work if I don't believe in entities?


Yes, belief is not a requirement for this service to work. Energy exists and affects us whether or not we are consciously aware of it.


If you’re feeling uncomfortable or noticing any of the signs listed above, a Home Blessing can still clear the energy in your space and improve how it feels. Many clients who were initially skeptical noticed a significant shift in the atmosphere of their home after a clearing.

5. How long does a session take


Please allow 2 hours for the entire process. This includes an initial consultation, energy assessment, entity clearing, and home blessing and food celebration. The length of time may vary depending on the size of your space and the complexity of the clearing.

6. Do I need to be present during the clearing?


Yes, your presence is required during the Home Blessing and Entity Clearing. This ensures that you are part of the energy reset and allows for the space to be attuned to your unique energy signature. You can also witness and participate in the blessing ritual to establish a deeper connection to your home.

7. How often should I get a Home Blessing?

The frequency of Home Blessings depends on your individual needs and the energy of your environment. Here are some general guidelines:

  • After moving into a new home: It’s always a good idea to clear the space of any lingering energies from previous inhabitants.

  • After significant life events: If you’ve experienced trauma, major transitions, or conflicts within the home, a blessing can help reset the energy.

  • When you feel a shift: If the atmosphere of your home begins to feel heavy, uncomfortable, or if you notice disturbances, it may be time for another clearing.

  • Regular maintenance: Many clients opt for annual or bi-annual clearings to maintain a consistently positive and protected environment.

8. Prepare a Celebration Meal!


If you'd like to provide food for the celebration, it can be as simple or elaborate as you prefer. Consider foods that represent abundance, gratitude, and well-being, such as:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables to symbolize growth and renewal.

  • Comforting dishes that foster warmth and togetherness.

  • Light snacks or herbal teas to keep the energy calm and grounded.

This gathering can also be an opportunity to set intentions for the new energy in the home and share blessings with family and friends. It’s not only a practical way to conclude the session but also a spiritual one, anchoring the positive energy through the act of sharing food.

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Before And After Your Home Blessing & Entity Clearing

How to Prepare for a Home Blessing


Here are some steps you can take to ensure everything is ready for a successful and effective session:

1. Clear Physical Clutter:

  • Begin by tidying up your space. Clutter can hold stagnant energy, so it's a good idea to clean surfaces, organize items, and remove unnecessary belongings. You don’t need to deep clean, but creating an open and welcoming space helps the energy flow more freely during the clearing.


2. Set an Intention for the Blessing:

  • Take a moment to reflect on what you would like to achieve from the Home Blessing. Are you seeking peace, protection, or a fresh start? Set a clear intention for what you want to bring into the space, as this will guide the energy during the clearing. You can also write down your intentions to share during the session.

3. Open Windows and Doors:

  • Before the session, it can be helpful to open windows and doors to allow negative energy to easily exit the space. This encourages the flow of energy and makes it easier for unwanted energies to be released.


4. Create a Sacred Space or Altar:

  • If it resonates with you, consider creating a small sacred space or altar in your home where the blessing can begin or end. This space could include candles, crystals, meaningful objects, or anything that holds spiritual significance for you. It helps set the tone for the ritual and focuses the energy.


5. Be Open and Present:

  • Your presence during the session is essential. Take some time beforehand to relax, meditate, or simply be open to the process. The more you engage with the experience, the more powerful the energy shift will be..

6. Choose a Time When the House is Quiet:

  • Select a time for the blessing when your home will be quiet and free from distractions. Make sure pets are in a safe area if they tend to be disruptive, and turn off electronics that may interfere with the peaceful environment.


7. Prepare a Celebration Meal:

  • If you plan to celebrate with food afterward, prepare any dishes or snacks beforehand, so they are ready to enjoy after the blessing. This can be a meaningful way to ground the energy and mark the occasion.


By following these simple steps, you’ll create an environment that is ready to receive the full benefits of the Home Blessing and Entity Clearing, allowing for a powerful reset and harmonious energy shift in your home.​

What Should I do After the Home Blessing?


After a Home Blessing or Entity Clearing, it's important to maintain and nurture the positive energy that has been brought into your space.

1. Ground Yourself and Meditate:

  • Take a few moments to ground yourself. You’ve just experienced a powerful energetic shift, and it’s helpful to pause and reflect on how you’re feeling. Sit in silence, take deep breaths, and connect with the peaceful atmosphere in your home. Notice any changes in the energy and how you feel emotionally or physically.


2. Express Gratitude:

  • Give thanks for the clearing and the positive energy now present in your space. This could be as simple as a silent prayer, a written note of gratitude, or a spoken affirmation. Expressing gratitude reinforces the energy of the blessing and invites more positivity into your life.

3. Celebrate with Food, Family and Friends:

  • After the session, gather your family or friends to share in the celebration. This act of breaking bread helps to ground the new energy and fosters a sense of community and unity within the space. Enjoying nourishing food also helps integrate the energy shift into your body and spirit.


4. Set Intentions for the Future:

  • This is a perfect time to set new intentions for your home and life moving forward. Whether you wish to invite in more peace, abundance, love, or creativity, clearly articulate these intentions. You can do this through journaling, speaking them aloud, or creating a vision board. By aligning with your goals, the energy of your home will support and amplify them.


5. Keep the Energy Fresh:

  • To maintain the positive energy, consider incorporating regular cleansing and protection practices into your routine:

  • Smudge your home periodically using sage, palo santo, or incense to keep the energy light and clear.

  • Use crystals like black tourmaline, selenite, or clear quartz to help absorb negativity and keep your home’s vibration high.

  • Light candles or diffuse essential oils like lavender, frankincense, or sandalwood to maintain a calm, peaceful atmosphere.

6. Stay Mindful of Your Energy:

  • After the blessing, try to stay mindful of the energy you bring into the home. Avoid conflict, excessive clutter, or negative thoughts, as these can impact the energy of the space. Keep the environment harmonious by maintaining positive intentions and practicing gratitude regularly.


7. Revisit the Blessing:

  • If you feel the energy of your home shifting again, or if you experience significant life changes, you can always revisit the blessing process. Regular energy maintenance can help ensure your home remains a place of peace and safety.


8. Follow Up with Me:

  • Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further guidance after the blessing. I’m here to support you in keeping your home’s energy aligned and positive.


By following these steps, you’ll continue to nurture the high vibration in your home and ensure that it remains a sanctuary of peace, protection, and positive energy.​

#HomeBlessing #EntityClearing #EnergyHealing #PeacefulLiving #NewBeginnings

Book Your House Blessing and Entity Clearing now!

Limited time deal $197
Until 12/31/24
(regular price $297)


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